Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Anyone game for ‘Fancy dress’?

Anyone game for ‘Fancy dress’ ? :)

When you sit chatting with a group of friends, you really can never say who talks what and suddenly you find yourselves talking about the most unexpected things! That’s exactly how today, out of the blue, I found myself talking with my friends about ‘fancy dress competitions’!! And let me tell you, I am going crazy about ‘fancy dress’ all over again!! I was looking into my primary school photos, fished out my first few fancy dress photos!!I was yearning to do fancy dressing again!! I was trying to understand what is it about fancy dress that is driving me nuts all over again!!May be because fancy dress seems to be a dazzling realisation of my love for colours and variety!! Or maybe it’s the idea of being something that you are not, is the best thing about fancy dress!! I guess, it’s about your dream unfolding in front of your own eyes- where you can be all that you want to be….
As I was lying down, thinking about this whole game of fancy dressing and the thrill of being what you want to be, for however long you want to be, it struck to me that the entire world is a stage, set for a HUGE fancy dress parade!! Every day, we all wear so many different emotions and are so many different things that we want to be!! Sometimes, we wear the fancy dress of an angel and are really nice and warm to another person, sometime we get all dirty and ugly and deliver lines filled with hatred and anger, at times, we take up the character of a teacher and at times a father, friend, doctor……… the list is endless!! My! This opens like a WORLD of possibilities for us, to fancy dress ourselves!! After all, It’s us who decides what we want to wear that day- whether it is the longest gown of happiness, with frills of excitement, glittering with beads of laughter or if it’s going to be a dull shade of gloom and unhappiness, sewn with frustrations that we want to sport each day, each hour and minute of this big fancy dress game!!
Every day, there is this one moment of plain-ness and freshness – the moment we wake up! When the day is ours for the taking! For us to decide what to wear that day! For us to decide what to be that day!! This idea of this big fancy dress game is probably the most exciting line of thought that has struck me in quite some time now! Its making me and my world look new, renewed, fun and exciting!!
The BEST thing about this fancy dress game is that it happens every day!! :) !! Nobody wins !! nobody loses!! It’s about how well, how creative each of us wants to be this day, this moment!! Having said this, I m off now to explore my possibilities of various wonderful colours and moods I can sport…. To figure out ways to be all that I want to be!! You are most welcome, to join in this ‘big fun fancy dress parade’ that is normally spelt L-I-F-E!!


I find boredom very interesting!!

Every time I come across individuals who keep complaining that they are bored, I get very curious!! (They make me wonder, if they ever get bored of being bored!!) Trust me…… I have come across people who seem to find their own lives boring!! Since these people occupy my mind space when it starts showing signs of boredom, I find boredom interesting!!
Out of my personal experience, I can vouch that it is during those periods lacking activity or when individuals are uninterested in the activities surrounding them, most fascinating and wild thoughts cross the mind!! Most fantasies and ingenious ideas are invariably products of boredom!! Isn’t it during those boring study holidays, that we get wonderful ideas to spend holidays? Isn’t it in between those boring lectures that we get ideas for surprise birthday parties!!
I am really passionate about my moments of boredom, because more or less, a whole lot of fabulous, fun ideas of mine are born on those fiercely bored, frustrated days-when my entire life seems so monotonous that I want to break free!! I love those bouts of boredom- that to me is like the silence between two waves!! It is a very beautiful space, of inactivity, of pure existence for the sake of existence, of effortless living!! That’s probably why I find it funny when people want to fight boredom!! I think boredom is something that we must enjoy, let it just be, rather than try to fight it!! After all, it is yet another emotion, a very potent one!! (If not anything else, it makes you write stuff like this blog post!! He he he…)
!! So…… guys!! Explore your boredom!! Make it the most exciting part of your life!! To me, it is definitely one of my exciting factors of life!!
So, here’s to exciting long hours of boredom….. and to all the wild and fabulous ideas that would spring out of it all !! cheers!! :)